#ACEVOFest 2024
As a member of Acevo, you are automatically eligible to join our Acevo Utilities Scheme.

ACEVO Utilities can help your organisation to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly by purchasing 100% renewable energy.
Your organisation will benefit from the collective buying power of the group for electricity and gas.
See how we can help your business.
Member Benefits

Competitive Price Group Contracts
100% Renewable Electricity
Sustainable Metering
EV & Solar options
Dedicated Account Manager
All your invoices validated
Online portal access
Multi-site portfolio management
Gas, Electric & Water Contracts
Metering Management Advice
“Due to shrinking budgets, political changes, and a turbulent economy, charities are facing additional financial pressure. As the economy has become more uncertain, operating costs have increased, and demand for services have increased too. ACEVO’s utility scheme is an important way for our member charities to collaborate by using their collective buying power.
Energycentric provides our members with a host of benefits and services including competitive group utility rates and 100% renewable energy, as well as advising members on how to further their organisation’s sustainability goals.”
Acevo Utilities FAQ’s
In broad terms, it is a product designed exclusively for ACEVO members, encompassing a selection of services tailored to the Third Sector, to provide competitive utility costs and usage going forward.
You will be able to enjoy competitive price gas, electric & water contracts using the collective buying power of the group and enjoy a host of other benefits and services.
- Competitive group priced, gas, electric & water contracts
- 100% renewable sourced electricity
- All your invoices validated
- Sustainable metering and management advice
- Online portal
- Multi-site portfolio management
- EV & Solar options
- Dedicated Account Manager
In 2011, a working committee was formed to design a product based on the energy needs of ACEVO member organisations. Having established a framework, an ongoing due diligence programme was put in place. Suppliers are subsequently invited to tender and present, based on an agreed set of standards and values. Following a process of elimination, a supplier is selected based on their ability to provide competitive prices; a vast range of additional sustainable services; a comprehensive CSR policy and their experience in the sector. With regards to water, Energycentric selected three retailers that are nationally based, provide bespoke consumption reducing measures and competitive pricing.
Common question. By signing the contracts, you are entrusting Energycentric to negotiate the price going forward at the ultimate time. This is regardless of whether your contract starts in the middle or end of a year. Because the latest group energy contract has been agreed, a price will be provided regardless of the start date, using the group co-terminus end dates (30/09/2024 for Gas and 30/09/2025 for Electric). With regards to water, prices are published annually by all retailers.
Prices will be fixed for the year and Energycentric will negotiate a discount based on your location and usage on a bespoke basis.
A Securing a contract at the right time is essential, as opposed to just tendering to all suppliers at a set time prior to renewal (usually three months). For example, those member organisations that were part of the ACEVO 2017 group contract secured fixed rates that provided savings and budget certainty over a two-year period when electricity prices increased by 62%!
A similar scenario occurred in 2021 when we were able to secure fixed contracts for those in the scheme, prior to the unprecedented price increases in the wholesale gas and electric markets.
The simple answer is any time. The contracts allows flexibility regardless of when you join or wish to leave the scheme. Many ACEVO member organisations have committed to the scheme and have aligned their contracts accordingly. However, you can join at any time during the term of the agreement and even be part of the next one.
The current supply contracts expire at the end of September 2024 (gas) 2025 (electric), so you can join anytime because the supply contracts will continue to be renewed on a rolling basis. It is important that you understand that even if you have a variety of contracts with different energy suppliers due from now until 2025, now might be the right time to secure your contracts going forward.
The scheme has been designed specifically to accommodate this scenario. For gas and electric, you will be able to secure a contract from the end of your current arrangement to the co-terminus date of the new group agreement thus aligning all your contracts to a common end date. Using the dates above, two contracts can be put in place (secured at the most optimum time by Energycentric, regardless of the start date) from June and October 2024 to the 30th September 2024 and 2025.
Also available is free advice on AMR installation, energy management, solar panel & CHP installation, wind turbines, biomass boilers and ground source heat pump options. The scheme can also provide each organisation with an individual assessment of current sustainable option arrangements (you may already have solar panels and/or AMR’s) and have a look at invoices to see if costs can be reduced further. By joining the ACEVO Utilities scheme, your organisation can explore sustainable options without unnecessary financial outlay.
Energycentric is pleased to announce its collaboration with one of the leading water forensic companies in the UK, meaning ACEVO member organisations now have access to find out if they have been overcharged going back several years.