Heat Network & ETII Customer Update: EBDS Applications Are Now Open

Applying for the Heat Network discount?

If you are a heat supplier applying for the Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) heat network support, the portal is now LIVE for you to apply online here.

And, read more about EBDS below.

Applying for the Energy & Trade Intensive Industries (ETII) discount?

If you are a business or organisation in an ETII sector that needs to apply for the Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) support, the portal is now LIVE for you to apply online here and, read more about EBDS below.


Please note that the EBDS scheme is not applied automatically and you will need to apply online through the links.

What is the Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS) and am I eligible for support?

The EBDS came into force from 1st April 2023, and will remain in place for a year, until 31st March 2024. The scheme provides a reduced level of support for non-domestic customers for stability in a constantly changing energy market.


Eligibility for Heat Network suppliers

All eligible heat networks will receive at least the baseline level of support under the EBDS. A higher level of support is available to heat networks with domestic end consumers.

As a heat supplier, you will be eligible for the higher level of support if your heat network:

  • supplies heating or hot water to a building or persons in that building.
  • is supplied by a licensed supplier.
  • supplies one or more domestic customers.
  • uses gas or electricity for producing heat.


Your organisation will have 90 days from the scheme introduction date of 26th April 2023 to submit an application for higher support. If a heat network you supply becomes eligible after the scheme introduction date you will have 90 days to apply from the date that heat network becomes eligible. You can apply here.

Please note: If you are a heat supplier with multiple networks, you will need to submit a separate application for each eligible network. A bulk upload facility is not currently available.

I’m a household on a Heat Network, do I need to apply?
If you are a domestic customer (end-user) household on a heat network, you do not need to apply for this scheme. Your heat supplier must apply on your behalf and pass-on any discount to you.

Eligibility for ETII
An organisation is considered eligible for ETII support if at least 50% of its revenue is generated from UK-based activity within
eligible Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code sectors.

To be eligible, you must have a non-domestic contract with a licensed energy supplier and be:

  • on existing fixed price contracts that were agreed on or after 1st December 2021.
  • signing new fixed price contracts.
  • on deemed/out of contract or variable tariffs.
  • on flexible purchase (or similar) contracts.
  • on variable ‘Day Ahead Index’ (DAI) tariffs (Northern Ireland scheme only).


If you are a local authority, eligibility may be determined at a premise level. Where there are no relevant financial accounts, you will be required to declare that at least 50% of the space within that premise is taken up by operations within eligible sectors. You will need to apply for support in the same way as ETIIs with licensed energy providers if:

  • You’re an ETII that uses energy from a licence exempt energy provider.
  • You’re part of the Non-Standard Cases scheme.

Your organisation will have 90 days from the scheme introduction date of 26th April 2023 to submit an application for higher support. New organisations or newly eligible organisations will have 90 days to apply from the date at which they become eligible. You can apply here.


ETIIs on a Heat Network

If an ETII is supplied by a heat supplier eligible for the EBDS heat supplier support, the ETII does not need to apply.
The heat supplier must claim the discount and pass on the benefit to their ETII customer.

If you need any support from our team about EBDS, please contact your dedicated account manager directly, or give us a call on 01708 765 555.