Energycentric Code of Practice as non-domestic third-party intermediaries
We have developed this Code of Practice as a set of standards designed to ensure that our customers are treated in a fair, responsible and trustworthy manner.
It is underpinned by the following principles: Honesty, Respect, Accuracy, Transparency, Customer-focused and Professionalism.
We are committed to work with our clients in partnership, offering clear and simple solution to energy procurement.
The objective of this Code of Practice is to protect the interests of our non-domestic costumers, so that they have the confidence when working with us, that we will act in a fair, honest, appropriate, and transparent manner.
Honesty: Our staff will identify themselves, the organisation they represent, and the services offered, clearly at the start of any interaction with clients or potential clients.
Respect: We will respect the customer’s wishes and cease contact if the customer requests it.
Accuracy: we will make the customer aware of how much of the market we searched to obtain the offers we propose to them and ensure all offers are accurately presented.
Transparency: Before obtaining client agreement to an energy contract, we will make the customer aware of all principal terms of the energy contract, including the services we provide and how the customer will pay (directly or indirectly) for those services.
Customer – focused: We will record and investigate all complaints fully and act quickly to correct any mistake made.
Professionalism: We ensure staff are adequately trained for dealing with customers and adhere to these principles.
To ensure that we deliver on these principles we undertake the below practices.
We ensure that our staff, and any third parties we use, receive appropriate training so that they:
- understand and can competently follow the requirements of this Code of Practice; and
- adhere to their legal obligations to customers, including all relevant regulations and legislation.
Clear and truthful selling, marketing, and advertising
We ensure that all forms of communications relating to sales, marketing, and advertising are always open, honest and set out in clear and intelligible language.
Protect customers from high pressure selling techniques.
We ensure that any processes we use to secure a contract does not include high-pressure selling techniques aimed at/or having the effect of forcing or pressurising a customer into an agreement based on incorrect information, without the customer having the opportunity to make an informed decision. We will never use aggressive practices which could amount to harassment, bullying, intimidation or duress.
Commission and fees
Prior to providing any relevant product or service, we make our customers aware of our charges or fees associated with the services.
We always fully disclose our commission fees in advance and at the time of contract signature.
Complete and accurate contractual information
We ensure that we provide our customer information about the key terms of the product(s) being offered by energy suppliers before any contract is entered into.
Once the customer has selected a contract, we:
- take all reasonable steps to bring to the attention of the customer the key terms and conditions of the proposed contract.
- take all reasonable steps to ensure that the customer is aware that they are entering into a legally binding contract.
Once the contract is agreed, we:
- take all reasonable steps to ensure that all the express terms and conditions of the contract are set out in writing and are made available to the customer as soon as reasonably practicable.
Complaints handling procedures.
We have in place a comprehensive complaint handling procedure which is easily accessible to all customers.
If a complaint relates to an energy supplier, and we are unable to resolve it directly, we ensure that the energy supplier is made aware of the complaint as soon as possible. We will inform our customer that we have done so.
Monitoring & Compliance
Energycentric, encourages and fully engage with supplier audits of our systems, processes, and procedures.